Our memberships

Find the Perfect Fit for Your Budget

The prices are displayed in US dollars.
Due to the account’s origin and legal matters related to international charges, the transaction will be processed in Mexican pesos (MXN).
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Monthly $32 USD
Annually $320 USD

Exclusive hotel discounts
Exclusive discounts on weekly rentals
Exclusive discounts on car rentals
Exclusive discounts on activities and tours
Exclusive discounts on cruises
Best Price Promise
Personal Travel Agent

Monthly $46 USD
Annually $460 USD

Exclusive hotel discounts
Exclusive discounts on weekly rentals
Exclusive discounts on car rentals
Exclusive discounts on activities and tours
Exclusive discounts on cruises
Best Price Promise
Personal Travel Agent

Flight insureance
MedAssure – Individual

Monthly $66 USD
Annually $660 USD

Exclusive hotel discounts
Exclusive discounts on weekly rentals
Exclusive discounts on car rentals
Exclusive discounts on activities and tours
Exclusive discounts on cruises
Best Price Promise
Personal Travel Agent

Flight insureance
MedAssure – Individual

BagAssure – Family
Medi-Jet Service

Monthly $82 USD
Annually $820 USD

Exclusive hotel discounts
Exclusive discounts on weekly rentals
Exclusive discounts on car rentals
Exclusive discounts on activities and tours
Exclusive discounts on cruises
Best Price Promise
Personal Travel Agent

Flight insureance
MedAssure – Individual

BagAssure – Family
Medi-Jet Service
Airport Lounge Access – Premier (4 free visits)
Concierge Assistant

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